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Here are 18 signs a married man is falling in love with you. ... If you are standing near a guy and he is interested, he'll lean into you, want to be near ... Even if they are turned to talk to someone else and their attention is occupied, if their feet are ... else to keep the spark going, he may see an affair as helping him achieve that.


And what are the warning signs you're becoming more than 'just friends' with ... and addictive because they “ignite the brain circuitry associated with love, desire, ... create a bond that can, in time, begin to “cross the first threshold into an affair.. Dec 21, 2020 — 17 Signs Your Partner Might be Having an Affair ... the line into something that is pretty unambiguously outside of the bounds of the committed relationship. ... also be an unfortunate sign that you're falling out of love with each other. ... by it and they deny by turning it around onto their partner,” Peacock says. 939c2ea5af

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